This morning Fran, Donna & I worked on a budget for the club. We rrealized that we spent a lot of money for Jackson Day supplies, especially for sand art and then realized that we'd need plastic containers for next year, if we do it. So, in order to save money I suggest something that we all can do to pitch in: save those Mrs. Butterworth and Honey Bear containers. Be sure they are the clear plastic kind. Kids won't be too happy that they're filling the dark amber ones unless they use white sand, and that would mean we would have to go and purchase a bunch more white sand.

I have taken the liberty of photographing the Honey Bear so you will know what I'm talking about. Also, modesty prevented me from taking a bottom view. Kids my be viewing this blog. But I think you'll know what I mean from the other three photographs.

You all know how serious I am all the time! Always thinking, the wheels are always turning.