Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tri-K officer installation

The Kiwanis Club of Jackson conducted its second annual Tri-Key Club officer installation Thursday (April 16) at the Whitesville Firehouse. President-elect Floyd emceed the installation and made many of the arrangements for the event. Thanks to Ted for picking up the pizzas and to Lois for opening up the firehouse.
We had a pizza dinner prior to the installation and capped the evening off with coffee & cake.
About a dozen club members attended. We also had a nice turnout of Key Club officer's family members there.
Photos from the evening can be seen on my Flickr account:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Captain Floyd

Two weeks ago we had a guest speaker, Anita Pfefferkorn, tell us about Relay for Life. It will be held May 30 & 31 in Plumsted. And President-elect Floyd has offered to be our team captain.
The two-day event will be held at the Plumsted Township Recreation Park.
The New Egypt Relay for Life has a Web site:
Check back here. Floyd will have more information for you.

Winetasting went GREAT!

Thanks Paul for doing what you do so well. Last night's wine tasting went very well. We had nearly 80 people attend. There were about 10 wine stations. And the food was great!
Everybody had a great time.
We were even joined by KI Trustee Ed Hutchinson and Cape May member Charlotte Groome.
And the recurrent phrase? "Let's do it again."
Proceeds from last night's event went to our committment to help furnish Kimball Medical Center's new care wing and to high school scholarships.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We were mentioned in the press

Hey all, The Asbury Park Press ( had a story about the holiday basket collection and we got top billing as the groups that donated. Here is the link:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring baskets were delivered

Hey all,

I just want to say thanks to everyone who participated in our donation of holiday baskets to the annual United Way drive: Dan, Mrs. Johnson, Carol & Ted, Paul, Donna, Fran, Floyd & Carmela, Melissa, Lois & Tracey. Your generosity will brighten a lot of kid's faces next Sunday.

I delivered the 20 baskets yesterday on my way home from work. It was a full car. I had them in the front and back seats and in the trunk. The photos show some of the baskets in the back seat and at the United Way collection center. Our baskets were going to children of single Moms who are back in school to get themselves out of poverty.

Blessings on you all.