KCOJ once again assisted the Jackson Police and PBA by cooking at the annual Night Out Against Crime. I would say that attendance at the event gets bigger and bigger each year. And with that, so does the line for our hotdogs and hamburgers.

We had two grills and I would be we cooked about 800 hamburgers and 1200 hot dogs. This year we didn't have to worry about cheeseburgers, thank goodness. They take longer and make quite a mess.

We used the new grills again this year and compared to the charcoal grills, they were a breeze to clean up. And we didn't have to worry about taking a long time to cool down like the coals required.

Thanks to all who helped: Dan Black, Carol Hordichuk, Michael and Ingrid Rice, Lois Kapp, President Fran Polito, Stan, Paul Tarantino. And I helped a bit, too.
Hey, isn't that paint job on the trailer great? Thanks Glen. And thanks to you and Lou for bringing the trailer to the ShopRite location. BTW, ShopRite provided the food. Thanks ShopRite.