Saturday, August 22, 2009

Big winner!

Here's a little game. Guess who the first prize winner was in the district foundation's 50/50 Saturday evening. Okay, let me think of a couple of clues...
If I told you he was our club's incoming president, that would be too easy. And if I told you he joined our club directly from Circle K, well, that would be too easy, also. Hmmm...
Okay, let me go and think up a good clue. But till I do, keep guessing.

Oh, oh...I have one. His mother is a member of our club!
Congrats Floyd!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August Highway Cleanup

Thanks to Stan, Michael, Donna, Melissa and Larry for doing a highway cleanup along East Veterans Highway this morning. I must always pick the trashy side because once again the other "team" finished before us and came to our side of the roadway to help us finish up.

There were lots of motoercycles on the road today. I'd bet there were at least 200 of them in packs of 8 to 12, roaring down the road.

Nothing much of note picked up today but we did play a little. I brought my video camera and I recorded "interviews" with our street walkers. Here is the link to You Tube: (You may have to copy and paste it into your browser.)

And as Melissa said in the video, one person actually cme out of his house to say, "Thank you." Now that was first.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Night Out Against Crime

KCOJ once again assisted the Jackson Police and PBA by cooking at the annual Night Out Against Crime. I would say that attendance at the event gets bigger and bigger each year. And with that, so does the line for our hotdogs and hamburgers.

We had two grills and I would be we cooked about 800 hamburgers and 1200 hot dogs. This year we didn't have to worry about cheeseburgers, thank goodness. They take longer and make quite a mess.

We used the new grills again this year and compared to the charcoal grills, they were a breeze to clean up. And we didn't have to worry about taking a long time to cool down like the coals required.

Thanks to all who helped: Dan Black, Carol Hordichuk, Michael and Ingrid Rice, Lois Kapp, President Fran Polito, Stan, Paul Tarantino. And I helped a bit, too.
Hey, isn't that paint job on the trailer great? Thanks Glen. And thanks to you and Lou for bringing the trailer to the ShopRite location. BTW, ShopRite provided the food. Thanks ShopRite.