Sunday, December 11, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Great turnout at today's Breakfast with Santa.  A lot of nice members helped out, along with Key Club and Brookdale Circle K members.  Thanks for making this such a great success.

Thanks to event chairperson Carol; to Santa Floyd; to Donna; our cooks Fran, Bob, Paul, Dan, Laura, Glen, and Ralph; and our support staff Pat, MaryJo, Mrs. Johnson, Bernadette, Lois and Angie.  And I got to do the photos.  (If I missed anyone, let me know.)

And thanks to Jo and George from Jackson Helping Hands for joining with us.

Photos can be at or the slideshow at .

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Community Dinner @ the Lakewood library branch

The Kiwanis Club of Jackson sponsored the fourth annual community dinner at the Lakewood branch of the Ocean County Library Thursday Nov 17.  Doors opened at 6 p.m.  When we finished we served about 110 people from the community.  We brought the extra food to Tent City and fed about 25 more people.

We had a lot of KCOJ members, their family members and friends help out by donating food, cooking the food and serving the food.  We also had help (and a donated turkey and two-gallons of soup) from Jo  & George of the Jackson Helping Hands club, members of our Key Club, and members of the library's Teen Advisory Board (TAB.)  Library staff also donated food.

The menu included several turkeys, 50 pounds of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dessert and a sheet cake, mixed vegetables, corn, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs (12 dozen!), stuffing, soda, joice, coffee & tea.  And I know I've forgotten some items.

Thanks to all who helped us with the food and supported the community.

Thanks, too, to my photographers Dan, Pearl and Samantha.  A slideshow of their photos can be found on my Flickr account:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Funnel cakes & wine? You bet!

So how did you spend last weekend?  A few of us sold about 500 funnel cakes as a fundraiser at the Laurita Winery's 2011 Harvest Festival.  Saturday was clear and cool, Sunday was on eof the best weather days one could ever hope for!

So who helped out?  Lou & Clair, Dan, Fran & Diane & Pearl & Sam, Laura, Donna and me.

Great jazz.  Great wine. Great funnel cakes.  And I'm so glad for Randy & Ray: great crowd!  And everyone had a great time.

A slideshow of photos taken by Pearl, Sam and I can be found on by Flickr site:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Busy Day of Service

We had a split squad out there today, attending at least two service projects.

We had representation at the Susan Komen walk at Great Adventure for breast cancer awareness.

And we had people cooking at Celtic Charms horse ride-a-thon in Howell.  Members Stan, Fran, Donna & Larry, along with Stan's friend Joe and six Key Club members served hot dogs and hamburgers to about 300 people.  The rain stayed away but we were under a heavy cloud all afternoon.

To view a slideshow of our team at work click on this link: 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jazz fest at Laurita Winery

Laurita Winery invited us to participate in their new Jazz Fest by selling funnel cakes.  Great fundraiser for us.  We raised over $600 for Children's Specialized Hospital over the weekend.  Onlly thing is it was hot! hot!! hot!!!  But you know what?  We enjoyed each other's company despite the heat.  Thanks to Danny for helping me rediscover watermelon.  And for bringing in his shop fans.  They were a godsend.

A slideshow of photos from the weekend can be found here

And just like we usually have happen, we struggled with the fryer.  But we improvised.  Lessons learned.

National Night out Against Crime

We were cooking!  We were out there cooking hot dogs for the annual event.  We cooked up 600 in the first hour and ended up serving a total of about 900 throughout the night.

To view a slideshow of photos from the night click here  And just in case that doesn't work here is the Web address:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kiwanis One Day, part 1

The Kiwanis Club of Jackson will help clean up a brand new park in Jackson during Kiwanis One Day, Apr. 2.  Here is an article in the Tri-Town News:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Whitesville Firehouse cleanup

Hey all,

Eight of us showed up for the Whitesville Firehouse cleanup yesterday.Many hands make short work.  We did windows, bathrooms, kitchen and the meeting room.  A slideshow of 7 photos taken can be viewed at 
