Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Community Dinner @ the Lakewood library branch

The Kiwanis Club of Jackson sponsored the fourth annual community dinner at the Lakewood branch of the Ocean County Library Thursday Nov 17.  Doors opened at 6 p.m.  When we finished we served about 110 people from the community.  We brought the extra food to Tent City and fed about 25 more people.

We had a lot of KCOJ members, their family members and friends help out by donating food, cooking the food and serving the food.  We also had help (and a donated turkey and two-gallons of soup) from Jo  & George of the Jackson Helping Hands club, members of our Key Club, and members of the library's Teen Advisory Board (TAB.)  Library staff also donated food.

The menu included several turkeys, 50 pounds of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dessert and a sheet cake, mixed vegetables, corn, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs (12 dozen!), stuffing, soda, joice, coffee & tea.  And I know I've forgotten some items.

Thanks to all who helped us with the food and supported the community.

Thanks, too, to my photographers Dan, Pearl and Samantha.  A slideshow of their photos can be found on my Flickr account: