I received this note from Dr. Wil Blechman, former KI president and the one who started Young Children Priority One. Perhaps we can help out?
Please read following from Miki Cunat, former First Lady of Kiwanis International
Dear Fellow Kiwanian and Partners:
We need your HELP! The Kobe Kiwanis Club of Japan
District is setting up a section of Children’s Books from
Around the World Corner in the Kobe City Library in Kobe,
Japan. As you may know the city of Kobe is the second major
well known city in Japan for foreigners for over a hundreds
years. Even though many families from overseas are living
comfortably in the city, unfortunately there is no section in the
library to accommodate the foreign children. Kobe Kiwanis
Club is asking for your help in making this dream possible by
building up the books for this section in your language through
the friendship of Kiwanis around the world. Of course, Kobe
Kiwanians will purchase some books, but supplies are limited
and expensive. This project will also benefit many hundreds of
Japanese children living in the area. Thus we would like you
to help with this “Kobe International Children’s Library”
project as a part of “Reading Around the World” (YCPO). We
are asking each club to donate 10-20 books, or individual
Kiwanis member to donate 1or 2 books. The age group would
be 2-12 years old. We highly recommend finding excellent
picture books for younger children and reading books for older
children. The award winning books would be ideal! Your
Kiwanis club can participate in two different ways: Kiwanis
club would like to purchase the books or each member donates
1 or 2 books.
1. Please send directly to: Kobe Kiwanis Club, c/o Kobe
Mercantile Trading Center Building, 5-1-14 Hamabe-dori,
Chuo-ku, Kobe-city 651-0083, JAPAN
Phone number: 078-251-6530 Email address:
Please send to me: Miki Cunat , 5400 W. Elm St., McHenry,
Phone number: 815-385-3192 (office) Email address:
Please indicate:
Kiwanis Logo
Donated by: (name) Kiwanis Club
City, State/Region, etc.
On behalf of Kobe Kiwanis club and hundreds of children in
Kobe, I sincerely appreciate your generosity and participation
of this project. If you have any further questions, please
contact me via email above.
Yours in Kiwanis Service,
Miki Cunat
2001-2002 First Lady
2008-2009 YCPO Committee
Kiwanis International