C'mon now, what do we Kiwanians like to do most? Cook! And we had the chance to once again strut our culinary skills by cooking for the Jackson Police Department's Night out Against Crime. It was part of a national event that helps neighbors meet their police officers and the various first responders in the township.
Like in years past, we were the easy ones to find: just look for the smoke. And where there's smoke, there's us!
I checked with Paul and after all was said and done we cooked about 900 pices of food: hotdogs and hamburgers. And we distributed a lot of water.
Thanks to all who helped: Paul & Debby, Lois, Laura and Sabrina, Stan & Joan, Fran, Carol & Ted (who distributed WHALE Project kits under the big top. And thanks for members who stopped by to show their support: Bernadette and Rick.

You know, we keep gettiing better at this. The one thing we had to contend with was the breeze that blew the smoke into the cooks' eyes. And we beat the rain. The weather forecasters were predicting rain for the early evening hours but we beat the showers and stayed dry.
PS. The top photo appeared on the APP.com Website Wednesday.

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