Thank you so much for your support of the Daybreak club. We had an Interclub with them Thursday night during their officer installation. Attending were Ted & Carol, Stan and Joan, Michael Rice and Donna Corman.
It was a lot of fun and I know they appreciated it. In fact, we had six of the seven clubs from the division present: OLV, LBI, Brick, Toms River, us and of course Daybreak. One of my goals this year is to have every club in the division earn the LtG's Interclub award. This was a great start for everybody and it's a testament to the hard work initiated by Stan and John Hale this past year. Thanks to both of them.
Daybreak also had KI-trustee Ed Hutchinson, District Governor Mike Mulhaul, District Foundation Rudy Fernandez and past governor Marty, who was instrumental in forming the Daybreak and our club, present.

Sometimes I think it's a race between Ted & myself (though I probably fltter myself just saying this) when it comes to wearing Kiwanis hats. Right now, Ted's in the lead: he wasjust appointed Circle K administrator and he was installed onto the District Foundation's board. Uncle! Uncle!

Congratulations Ted, and thanks for all you do to make this such a great organization. Of course, I could gain a hat or two if someone wants to step up and wrestle one or two away from him. The district is alsways looking for people to step up and fill leadership roles. Just check with us and we'll show you how.