This was the perfect way to start off Jackson Day. Laurie Smith, head of the Jackson Township Commission for the Disabled and Handicapped told me while we were setting up the sand art table, "I want to thank the Kiwanis Club of Jackson for every thing they do. If it wasn't for your club we wouldn't be able to do half the things we do. Thank you Kiwanis."
The commission is starting a flag football team and you know how mischievous I can be. Wouldn't it be great if we could get a team of former NFL stars to scrimmage them? Who do we know?
Laurie wasn't the only one who was grateful for the Kiwanis Club of Jackson. I was, too. It was so gratifying to see so many people turn out to help. Thanks to our club members: Fran, Ingrid, Laura Johnson & Blasi, Carmela, Mary Jo, Al and Joann. Also to our logisticians Glenn and Lou. To our organizers Mike, Floyd and Donna. And to the members who did so much to set everything in motion: Lois (who makes a mean vegetarian chili), Ted & Carol, and Paul. Thanks to our three Key Clubs and two Builders Clubs. And to our visiting members Dan, Vickie and some cutie they claim is their grand daughter. How can Dan & Vickie be grand parents? We also had a visit from Maggie and her husband Julian.
There was only one thing missing from this year's Jackson Day, and Ingrid said it so well when she asked, "Where's Dean." No one else could mix funnel cake batter like Dean. You were missed Dean.
Between the three booths we collected more than $1,750. I know where $25 of that came from. Those "Walking Tacos" were great!
I have some photos from Jackson Day. You can view them on Flickr at Once again, click on "slideshow" on the top right and watch them a time or two.
1 comment:
Way to go gang. From the pictures it looks like you had a nice day! Those tacos look tempting. Al looks like he did a great job filling in for Dean
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