Midwinter will be held Feb. 28 at the Marriott in New Brunswick. Registration is $33, down $2 from last year, is due Feb. 15. For those who want to stay overnight the room cost is $99 plus room tax.
Stan Sonderman, who spoke at our district convention in August, will do the major program, a growth seminar. It will be followed by lunch and an awards ceremony. A board meeting will be held after Midwinter for those of us lucky enough to be on the board.
KI Trustee Ed Hutchinson (past district governor and secretary) told us the international convention will be held in Nashville June 26 (Thursday) and ends Saturday June 28. I have asked LtG-elect Barney to look into chartering a bus. It would leave NJ late Tuesday night and arrive at the hotel around 1 p.m. Wednesday, in time for people to register at the hotel and at the convention center.

We will be staying at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel which is the VIP headquarter’s hotel. It will be a great opportunity to meet Kiwanians from around the world. Unlike the last time we were in Nashville (1997) we will be extremely close to the convention center.
Cost for a double or single is $162 per night plus a 15.25% room tax and a $2 per room city tax.
The NJ District will have a district dinner Thursday evening. More details will be given in January.
Our district’s quota this year is 90. I think that is doable with members just from our division. Of course, then we’d have to charter two buses.
Convention registration fees are:
Kiwanis member before May 2, 2009, $195; after May 1 it is $250. Guest: before May 2, $95; after that it is $125. Registration should start around Jan. 1.
Start saving up now. More information will come from KI and the district around the beginning of the new year.
The 2009 District Convention will be held Aug. 21 to Aug. 23 at the Westin Hotel in Princeton. The convention committee will meet early in the winter. I will tell you more when I know more.
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