Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Project to help the homeless

I a week and a half, Sunday Dec. 20, we have the longest night of the year. Lately it's become known as a night of rememberance of the homeless. With that night and the holidays in mind, why not put together a couple of "care" packages for the homeless. It doesn't have to be a large box. Maybe something like the size of a shoe box. And what to stuff it with? How about items like a toothbrush? Or a small tube of toothpaste, or a comb, soap, small tube of shampoo, or a few disposable razors, shaving cream. For women some feminine hygiene products? Why not add a $5 McDonald's gift card, or a couple of gift cards for cups of hot drinks at a local convenience shop? A pair or two of socks! Or mittens. Other ideas for gifts? Are there homeless kids in your neighborhood? Don't know where the homeless are? Drop the packages at a police station, they'll know who to deliver it to.
Continued blessings on you and your. And thank you, from the homeless.

Steve Brigham says he's in contact with 25 homeless people, 5 of them women.

Want to help out? Send me an email and let me know how many packages you'd like to make up and whether it will be for a male or female.

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