Friday, July 4, 2008

KCOJ events in July

Project Life Saver July 10
We will have a special presentation at our Thursday, July 10th (6:45 p.m.) Captain Richard Casagrand, of the Berkley Twp. Police Dept., will speak about Project Lifesaver, a program which provides monitoring services to Alzheimers patients and autistic children so they can be located if they go wandering unsupervised.

We are expecting guests from other clubs and have been moved into the larger room off the main dining room. The View needs a headcount because we are going to be a larger group than usual. Therefore, please check your calendar and drop me an RSVP email IF YOU ARE COMING. No need to contact me if you do not expect to be able to attend...

Thank you! Donna

The Asbury Park Press ran an article that is appropriate to this coming meeting. Here is the link. (If you cannot go directly to the site by clicking on the html, the copy and paste it into your browser and access it from there. Larry)

Miniature golf July 24
The Kiwanis Club of Jackson Open, aka Miniature Golf at Fit Golf Center (2156 Route 37 West, Manchester - 732-657-3227) will tee off at 6:30 p.m. Cost for 18 holes is $6 per adult and $4 per child. We will provide the dinner of champions: pizza. You're on your own for drinks. Fit GC has their new soda machines and their agreement with the vending company is no soda brought on site.

It will be a handicapped event, meaning that we will deduct a stroke off your score for each correct answer that you give on our Kiwanis "test." And we'll even handicap the handicap by having three levels of questions: "newbes," "old timers," and "Ted."

I told them we'd have about 25 to 30. Can we get more to attend? I hope so. Let me know if you'll be there so I know how many pizzas to eat.

See you then. And for those even more fortunate ones I'll see you the next day at Kiwanis Night at the Blueclaws the following night.

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