Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November club meetings

We have some special news about our meeting locations this month.

Our first meeting, Nov. 13, will be held at Laurita Winery out near New Egypt. Carol's brother Randy is co-owner of the county's newest gathering center. Directions can be found at their Web site - http://www.lauritawinery.com/ We have invited clubs from the division to attend and hope that we will have a great turnout. But you need to tell Ted by Monday (11/10) if you'll be there. His E-mail address is cthordichuk@aol.com . It will be a great meeting and the winemaker will tell us about winemaking

Our second meeting will be held a week early this month because of Thanksgiving. We will meet at Michael and Ingrid Rice's home Nov. 20. Free pizza and salad dinner for the members.

1 comment:

Dee said...

$12 per attendee will be put on your bill for the Laurita Winery visit. See you there! Donna Corman, Administrative Treasurer, Kiwanis Club of Jackson