Hey all,
KCOJ is a superlative club! At yesterday's Midwinter conference club president Stan & secretary Lois are now Distinguished Club President and Distinguished Club Secretary Stan & Lois! Way to go you two! Thank you so much for all your hard work making us look good.
We also were a blue medal winner, having the largest net gain of members (4) in the division.
We had 10 members attend yesterday: Fran (our next distinguished club president!), Mrs. Johnson, Mary Jo, Donna, Michael, Ted, Stan, Floyd, Carmella, and me. We had more than 240 Kiwanians attend, nearly 10% of the district. (Our club had about 1/3rd of its members attend. Way to go!)
KI president-elect Paul Palazzolo was great.
Floyd ran the sound for the conference. I took a few photos and shot some video, too. I am hoping that I can use the video and post that onto You Tube for all to see.

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