There are a couple of club news worthy item to report from the Circle K district convention.

Two of the most surprised people attending the convention were Mary Jo & Floyd. Both were presented with Carthage-Pullman Society Awards, the highest award one can receive in Circle K. In honor of Carthage College, the campus where Circle K began, and the Pullman, Washington, Kiwanis club, which helped build the concept of a campus service club, the Circle K International Board of Trustees created the Carthage-Pullman Society. Both May Jo & Floyd devoted many years to Circle K. (And that Carmila sure can keep a secret. She's known about Floyd's award for a year now.)

Ted, who served as Circle K Administrator, was presented with an honorary membership into Circle K.
We had an Interclub at the convention: Carol & Ted, Mary Jo, Floyd & Carmila, and me. BTW, That will be my last Circle K district convention as an advisor. I have been an advisor to the organization for 9 years but have to fade into the sunset because of too many commitments lately.
And NJ Circle K has a new governor, Karen Ann Conway from Brookdale (soon to attend Kean University.)
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