The Jackson Challenger League held their last game of the season last night, playing against the Jackson Liberty HS basketball team. There had to be close to 300 people there including a contingent from our club. Dan, Donna, Lois and her son Stevan & mom Mrs. Kapp,and me. And there were a lot of Kiwanis shirts out on the floor.
We were thanked for donating the shirts and supporting the league, but it's the people who day in and day out are there working with the group that really deserve the thanks of the whole community. Jim & Lori Smith, especially.
Thanks to the Jackson Lions basketball team and their coaches who were so gracious with their time and positive role models for the Challenger players.
I also want to thank the young folks who were out there helping, espceially Denis Galvin's daughter. Be proud of her Denis.
I took some photos. The lighting wasn't that good so some of the ones that look like good action photos were really due to a slower shutter speed than I'd have liked. The photos are one my Flickr account and can be accessed at When you get to the page you'll see an icon for "slideshow." Why not hit that and sit back?
One more note: Challenger Softball starts in about 3 weeks.
It looks like I didn't put the photo link to my Flickr account. Ooops. They can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/22036136@N07/sets/72157615205735401/
The Asbury Park Press had an article that mentioned the basketball league today (Wednesday, March 25) at http://www.app.com/article/20090325/NEWS02/903250372/1280/LOCAL04
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